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  • Writer's pictureKathleen Lisson

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a system of living that gives me the tools and puts me in the right place mentally to achieve my deepest, richest goals in life. As a lymphedema therapist, I have found the movement, breathwork and meditative practices of yoga to be an integral part of my self care and the self care of many of the clients I see. Combining breath and movement can take us out of a reactionary, defensive headspace and bring creativity and the ability to see more innovative solutions.

After practicing yoga asana, i am able to see both others and myself with more clarity and compassion. After practicing meditation, I am able to respond to situations with grace and wisdom instead of with my first knee-jerk impulses. Yoga takes me out of my head and allows me to experience life and my closest relationships with those I love more fully and richly in the present moment.

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