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  • Writer's pictureKathleen Lisson

What Causes Lymphedema?

What typically causes lymphedema?

Lymphedema is the result of a disturbance of the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body. Common causes for secondary lymphedema in the United States include chronic venous insufficiency and treatment for cancer. Lymphedema can also be due to genetic causes; we call that condition primary lymphedema.

How exactly does lymphatic drainage massage work?

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle, skin stretching massage technique that is thought to guide fluid from the interstitium (the space between the cells) into the lymphatic system and promote the flow of lymphatic fluid to lymph nodes once it is in the lymphatic system. Once the fluid is in the lymphatic system, it makes its way into the circulatory system, then through the kidneys and bladder and it is urinated out.

Can massage make lymphedema worse if not done properly?

Deeper pressure massage can possibly damage tissues in the body and cause further swelling and inflammation.

What can people do to make sure they're getting a massage that will help improve and not worsen their lymphedema?

The easiest way to get a massage you can trust is to book with a massage therapist who is also a lymphedema therapist. These professionals have extensive education in the lymphatic system. If there are no lymphedema therapists in your area, you can book with an oncology massage therapist and ask them to not massage the area with lymphedema swelling. You can find a trained oncology massage therapist here:

Is lymphatic massage helpful for those who don't have lymphedema or other lymphatic system issues?

Manual lymphatic drainage can also be helpful for people without lymphedema. It may be a relaxing way to receive a massage for people with autoimmune issues, cancer survivors and people who do not like deeper pressure. At my office I see clients with lymphedema as well as clients who are recovering from plastic and reconstructive surgery and who are going through IVF treatments.

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