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  • Writer's pictureKathleen Lisson

Half Day Mindfulness Retreat for Foster Families

I recieved this thank you letter from Grossmont College Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Care Program

On behalf of the Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Care Education Program at Grossmont Community College we would like to thank you for your time and expertise educating our Resource Families on the importance of self-care.

The training event The Art of Self Care: A Guide to a Better You in 2023 that occurred on Tuesday, December 12, 2022 received extremely positive feedback from our participants. You provided our Resource Families/Caregivers with helpful and easy techniques that they can do on their own to take better care of themselves, especially in their important role as caregivers to children from children protective services who have experienced trauma and all of the other complex issues they may encounter in their caregiving journey.

Your mindful strategies, including teaching the different forms of breathing techniques was facilitated in a manner that was easy to follow, understand and participants were made to feel safe and comfortable to attempt the techniques. It was a wonderful experience to witness the participation and engagement from the participants.

Thank you for collaborating with us and sharing you knowledge with our participants.

If you would like to book a mindfulness event for your organization, please contact me at

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